Having remote employees can make it very difficult for teams to collaborate with each other, but there are ways to make it easier on everyone.
It is incredibly important to always ensure that communication lines between remote employees are open. Setting ground rules, like when and how employees communicate also helps prevent potential problems down the line.
However, no matter how much the employees attempt to communicate, progress can not be made without the proper equipment. It is important to ensure that your employees have the proper technology they need to communicate electronically with remote employees.
Even if employees are too far apart to meet in person, having Skype or Zoom interviews can be a great way for employees to feel more like a team, allowing collaboration to be much easier.
Also, on the rare occasion that Skype or Zoom isn't good enough for what they need to get done, it is good to have a set location somewhere in the middle where employees can travel to in order to collaborate better in person.
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